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How to install Microsoft Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 using a pendrive

Microsoft Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 are both excellent operating systems. Each one of them has their own pros and cons. That’s why I like to install both of them in my laptop on a dual boot mode. That way I can choose which one I want to use every time I restart my computer.

The current trend in laptops, and netbooks, is that they do not include a disk drive (CD or DVD Drive). Although this is great for having a lighter laptop, it means that the installation CD for any OS is not an option. Well, you could use an external CD Drive, but what’s the fun of it anyway. I prefer using a pendrive. Most of you already have one laying around anyway. The good thing about using a pendrive is that there are no moving parts, and it produces a faster installation. Also, if you don’t use CDs, you will have less noise and no more coasters.


  • Pendrive with at least 3GB of memory. These(affiliate link) are excellent and have both, USB-C and USB-A connectors
  • ISO of Microsoft Windows 7. You can buy the ISO for Windows 7 from the Microsoft Store.
  • ISO of Ubuntu 10.04. You can download for free the ISO for Ubuntu 10.04 from their site.
  • CD/DVD Download Tool. This is for transferring Windows 7 to your pendrive. Download it from here.
  • Universal USB Installer. This is for transferring Ubuntu 10.04 to your pendrive. Download it from

OK, now we are ready. First, you need to download the ISO for Windows 7 and the CD/DVD Download tool. Then, put your pendrive on your laptop (make sure you back up the data on your laptop and pendrive since everything will be lost), open the CD/DVD Download Tool from Microsoft and use it to transfer the ISO of Windows 7 to your pendrive.

This will take some time. Once it is finished, you need to restart your computer and boot from the USB drive. You may need to change the boot order from the system BIOS. From now on, you can just follow the installation process the same as with a normal disk.

Since we want a dual boot, under the Windows 7 installation, delete all existing partitions on the disk and create a new one with about half of the disk space, or as much space as desired. This will be the allocated space for Windows 7. Leave the rest of the drive as unallocated or free space. We will use that for Ubuntu 10.04 later.

Once you finish installing Windows 7, download the Universal USB Installer and the Ubuntu 10.04 ISO. Run the Universal USB Installer to copy the Ubuntu 10.04 ISO to the pendrive. Make sure the box for formatting the pendrive is checked. Click on Create and wait.

Once the Ubuntu 10.04 ISO is copied into the pendrive, restart the laptop and boot from the USB. The Ubuntu installer will show up. When asked about where to install Ubuntu, choose the option “Use Largest Continuous Free Space“. This will install Ubuntu on the free space we left before. Proceed as a regular Ubuntu installation.

Once it is finished installing Ubuntu, you will be able to choose which OS you want to use every time you restart your laptop.

Posted in Programming.

5 Responses

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  1. Nilesh vora says

    I have windows 7 already in my laptop….I want to install ubuntu 10.04 but I also want windows 7 a OS….and I don’t want to vmware or any virtual box…I want both OS saparate….How can i do this…..Plz reply on my email or send me link that guide me…
    and I have No CD drive so i will have to install ubuntu from pendrive…

  2. samontab says

    OK, so WIndows 7 is already installed, probably using the entire disk.

    You now have to install Ubuntu using this guide. When you are asked where to install Ubuntu just select “Install them side by side, choosing between them each startup” or something similar to it.
    This option will resize your NTFS partition (where Windows is installed) to free up some space for the Ubuntu OS.

    Or you could resize your partitions before the installation using other programs and then select to install Ubuntu on that free space.

    Here are a couple of links that may be useful for you.

    Remember to be careful since you may put your computer into a non bootable status if you make some mistakes.

  3. rider says

    i found great article related to this, Worked fine, i am quit happy with my MSI netbook, i will share for you

  4. saurabh says

    HI i have windows 7 and windows server 2003 installed in my system, i want to reinstall windows 7 using pendrive where i have downloaded windows 7, but i want to keep my my whole data stored in my system and windows server 2003…Please Help.

  5. samontab says

    Hi saurabh,

    First, make a backup of everything.
    Second, I am not responsible of any problems you may have. Formatting different partitions is a low level procedure, and you should only do it if you know what you are doing. On this post, I assumed a clean, new system.
    Then, reinstall Windows 7 on the partition that now has Windows 7, and it should work :)

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